The mausoleums of Aisha-bibi and Babaji-Khatun, dating back to the XI-XII centuries, are shrouded in a veil of mysterious origins and captivating legends. While the specific history of their construction, the timeframe, and the identities of the builders remain enigmatic, these architectural marvels stand as testaments to a rich and intricate past.
Both mausoleums are characterized by their cubic structure, adorned with intricate architectural details meticulously crafted from terracotta tiles embellished with ancient carvings. The Babaji-Khatun mausoleum boasts a distinctive feature—a dome resembling an umbrella with 16 facets, a unique architectural element yet to find parallels in Central Asian religious architecture. These mausoleums not only inspire wonder but also ignite the imagination with their intriguing stories and artistic grandeur.